In the spirit of the season, I've been called inward, and also called (or gently but firmly asked by Spirit to surrender) into being more present, and letting some of my public musing-, gathering-, and light-sharing places grow or lay still as the rhythms of the season, Inner Wisdom, and inspiration guide me.
This will be a year of shedding old and outworn skins, and diving deeply into the stillness and planting the seeds of clear, heartful intention will be more vital than ever. This is Sophia's Way.
This is a very different pace and Way than the more external, past-future focused, busy-do, and VERY SERIOUS one that is taught, validated, and reinforced by our dominant culture. Most of us were programmed pretty thoroughly in this way, having been taught that 'idle hands breed the Devil's work' and that 'navel-gazing' or doing 'nothing' are frivolous wastes of time.
Alas, the roots of this go deep into ancient culture wars. Both then and now, however, a truth remains consistent: creativity, wisdom, intuition, spontaneity, and true joy come through the still world within, or doing 'no thing' and allowing something brilliant to come into a space of receptivity that we have cleared.
Finding our way back into remembrance of the Inner Practices can be both challenging and awkward, at least until we've achieved a remembered fluency. And many of us feel a powerful calling to remember, and re-member, these practices and the Sophia Wealth they ignite and illuminate.
So it can be helpful to choose practices that allow us to access these portals and gateways of new being and call us back into the unshakeable center of soul-confidence sourced in our Hearts.
Early February offers a beautiful and light-filled opportunity for just this.
As we begin the month of February, we arrive at the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. In past times, on the eve of February 1st and/or February 2nd, or when the Sun reached 15-degrees of Aquarius (which may be as late as February 3rd or 4th), the ancients celebrated this time of the year as a cross-quarter day. As it turns out, we also have a full moon in Leo right in the midst of Aquarius.
So the window of time between January 31st through February 4th or 5th is a beautiful time to celebrate light -- light and lightness of being -- and call your presence to, as it marks the time of the year when the light and sprouts and blooms of Spring are preparing themselves under the soil. Though we can't yet see them, their promise is there; their strength gathers to push through the soil and up and out into the light.
This is the metaphor for Imbolc. It was later Christianized to Candlemas and St. Brigid's Day. Brigid was the Goddess of the Flame, Goddess of the Hearth, Fertility Goddess, in the lore of old, as well as an Irish/Celtic Goddess in the days before Christianity. When Christianity made an appearance, the Goddess and Druidess became the Christian patron saint of poetry, healing, and smithcraft (using fire to reshape metal into very useful things! This makes Brigid the perfect Goddess or Saint for Alchemists as well!).
Brigid's priestesses, and later devoted nuns, were 'keepers of the flame', and beacon-fires were lit at the hilltop or tors. This symbolic eternal flame was later extinguished by patriarchs jealous of the priestess-nuns' autonomy and the devotion still shown to Brigid and the Mother.
Not too long ago, that sacred flame was rekindled -- no small harbinger in these times! Yet we know that, while the external symbolic fire may have been extinguished, the remembrance and Inner Flame continued to be tended by those reminded that they were Keepers of the Flame.
Regarding other traditions, a friend of mine from Sardinia, Italy tells of Christian and Marian (Virgin Mary) celebrations on February 2nd for the 'baptism of the Christ Child' which occurs in the traditional telling about six weeks from the winter solstice, with baptism being the awakening of the Holy Spirit -- or Sophia, Wisdom -- in the light-bringer ... the descent of Spirit into Matter.
Regardless of the tradition, the Spirit of the season is rich. With the addition of the full moon in Leo at the heart of Aquarius, we have yet another reminder of how we can, with our unique creativity and an 'inside out' confidence, shine our brilliance in a way that serves all beings and humanity as a whole while feeling bright and joyful to us.
Why not light a candle, draw inward and seek the flame within you, the power, wisdom, and creativity of your spiritual and biological ancestors, to illuminate your Heart, inspire and reveal your path, awaken the joy you innately embody, and help guide you into the light and fertile new growth of Spring?
Here are some inspired links for reflection, exploration, and embodying of the Spirit of the Full Moon Leo (this may change from year-to-year), Imbolc, Candlemas and 'the season of lights':
Daykeeper Journal's Moon Meditations
AstroWisdom New Moon & Full Moon themes
I'll be writing more on this topic over the coming days and beyond. Until then...
Wishing you a joyful and illuminating Imbolc. Plant Spirit-Seeds mindfully, and make your light manifest joyfully!
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