Greetings. I received this, quite unexpectedly as I was writing something else, this morning, and was guided to share it here. So here it is; may it be a blessing.
My Dear Children, don't be concerned about the the instability being revealed in things you thought were solid and unshakeable.
Though it can be painful, we know, to have your confidence shaken and to be thrown into the discomfort of not knowing, know that you're held. There is a greater good being served; a greater wealth being revealed.
You don't have to lose possessions or money to learn this truth, but for many, this is the only way to see that your value is so much greater than the small sum you've allowed, the monetary measure of your worth. You're so much more, but you've become so focused on just one of your creations, one form of Life's energy: money. This beautiful Planet is worth so much more than dollar signs can ever convey. By seeing only in dollar worth, you've made your world very small.
We know that it's easy to get lost in the spiral of fear; it feels dizzying to have so much shaken, so much seemingly threatened. But as your Course in Miracles says, nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, and therein lies the peace of God. We come home to these truths in times of crisis because we've strayed far from them.
But you don't have to lose what's dear to you, and you can never lose what's essential. You don't have to feel panicked or fearful, though we know these responses are ingrained and supported by many forces in your culture.
When you feel uncertain, anxious, and fearful, go within, to your center. Call out to the Divine and your higher being, which knows it is one with the Whole, one with All. Come Home to yourself and your Source. I have always been here. It is the separation that causes your fear; the sense that you are somehow separated from that which can never be separate, only Whole.
In times of great crisis, when all that seemed permanent is dissolving and all that seemed 'of value' is gone in an instant, there is also the great call for you to return home to your knowing, to trusting, to remembering who and what you really are.
Because you've been away from it for so very long, and because some have preyed upon your fears for their own short-sighted purposes, out of their own fear and sense of separation, it feels terrifying to trust, to surrender to the inherent Good, the flow of energy which never ceases and is never lacking, which is always creating, always unfolding, always right where you are. You sit in the midst of plenty, and are of that plenty.
As Jesus said, 'The Kingdom of Heaven is spread before your eyes and yet you do not see it." This only means that your focus has been on other things, on what's lacking, or what needs to be done. In the past, in the future, where fear lurks and fear-mongers find easy prey.
Call yourself back to your Self. Call back the parts of you, your energy, that you have allowed 'thieves to steal', that you've given over to things outside of yourself. Call it back and know. Breathe, in this moment, and know that all is well. Be still and know that I am God.
Find peace and abundance and self-worth and value within, in this moment; be that in the world, and you'll find the world being that back to you.
Yes, it feels like such a risk, doesn't it my Dearests? It's only because you've been away and taught not to trust the most trustworthy of all. Yet it's closer to you than your own breath. You are loved. You are well. You are creative. Your intent and focus of energy is powerful. You are supported by such a vast array that you can't possibly imagine. With Divine Love, all things are truly possible, even what you call miracles. Obstacles melt in an instant of Grace; the Way that seemed closed opens.
Let go of your grasp of what you've been taught is reality; it pales in comparison to the Real. Open your heart to the beauty that you are and it will guide you. Life will flow to you when you allow it; Life will carry you, guide you, support you. Open your heart, release your fear, and allow. Receive. Breathe it in and know. Remember you are One.
It is so. With great love.
The Essence of Sophia, DIvine Mother
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Image Credits: "Sophia the Almighty" and "Mother of the World," both by Nicholas Roerich. See the Nicholas Roerich Museum in NYC.
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