The week starting on Sunday, March 18, is rich with an opportunity to give yourself an inner Spring Cleaning, to reveal and 'weed out' what's time to release and heal has come, and allow richly fertilized seeds and new shoots to grow.
When we do these things individually -- tending to our Inner Landscape -- we cultivate and activate our higher, more heartful potentials and become the change we wish to see in the world (which, as we know, the world very much needs!).
There are some wonderful resources to spark inspiration and offer wonderful ideas for ritual, which I'll include at the end of this post. But for now, here's a little snapshot of the energies and rhythms of Nature that you can attune with for a healthy, vibrant season of Spring and inspired service to all.
The macro-view sees us coming from Candlemas in early February, thought by the Ancients to be the first light of Spring, into brighter days and the Spring Equinox. Here we have not just the hope of Spring -- that inner knowing that the seeds and shoots are pushing up through dark soils, even though they may not yet be evident on the surface -- but the actual presentation of Spring as what was within and beneath manifests itself to us visibly, in all of its glory and awesomeness. Is it any wonder that there was such a reverence and gladness in those who were aligned with such things?
Sunday evening, March 18 (or Monday, March 19, depending on your time zone), features not only a New Moon in Pisces, but also a partial Solar Eclipse, leading into the Spring Equinox on Tuesday the 20th (or Wednesday, per your zone). The Ancients -- and the Moderns who keep the flames of ancient wisdom alive -- saw such times as powerful opportunities for alignment with the energies associated with such cosmic rhythms and events. There are quite a few rare planetary alignments as well, which some of the links below offer more on.
One of these factors is that this is the seventh New Moon to occur late in the month's sign, in this case, Pisces. That late-degree appearance indicates completions, and the specific completions are in areas associated with the energies of the sign. Think of it as a cosmically designed and supported cleansing, healing, purification, or intitiation.
Suffice it to say, it's a great time to move inward, delve deeply into your InnerLands, and receive guidance on what old patterns of belief, thought, and behavior need to be blessed and released -- as gracefully as possible -- and then allow guidance on what visions, dreams, gifts, and offerings want to more brightly infuse and shine through you for the benefit of all Beings. MoonCircles, one of my favorite sites for attuning to the rhythms and energies of the Lunar cycles, offers a beautiful ritual for this (the link is below).
Planetary configurations have, in alignment with the Mayan calendar and prophecies for these times, been encouraging us to 'see our stuff' -- particularly that which was inherited, implanted, or absorbed along the way -- which doesn't serve our own highest purpose and deepest joy, and inhibits, rather than supports, our ability to let 'our deep gladness meet the world's deep need'.
At the same time, these very alignments -- while shaking loose all that unhealthfully restricts, limits, oppresses, represses, and harms -- activates the higher levels of awareness and desire to be of healing service and inspiration, in small and large ways, depending on who and where we are.
Rituals to align with the cycles and energies of Spring
So on Sunday, consider 'preparing yourself' throughout the day for this time of 'great completion and release' and 'new Spring and rebirth', growing quieter and more meditative as the evening comes. In California, the new moon and eclipse are timed at 7:43 p.m. or so; if you're elsewhere, adjust your timing accordingly.
At about 5 or 5:30, reflect on and journal some of the things you'd like to release and allow to 'Spring forward'. Then, at 7:15, begin acclimating yourself towards meditation by preparing sacred space, and actually sitting in meditation during the new moon and eclipse -- perhaps from 7:30 to 8:00, or 7:15 to 8:15 if you're so moved.
Following the eclipse, allow whatever new guidance you've received -- you may or may not have specific ideas about it surfacing at this time -- to incubate quietly. If there are specific things that have come to mind -- ideas, insights, guidance -- jot them down in your journal, efforting as little as possible. Just jot and release.
Allow yourself to stay in this sort of 'zone' until you go to bed, so that Dream Time can deepen the Inner Wisdom accessible to you.
Monday morning, allow yourself a brief meditation, with the intention that you'll gracefully and effortless recall any and all wisdom and insight that's most helpful at this time, and will meet it halfway by jotting it down when it comes to your attention.
Other New Moon practices include jotting specific intentions, in alignment with the particular energies of the New Moon -- in this case, Pisces. Jan Spiller's work on New Moon astrology offers a good bit of insight into this, but so does the information you'll find at MoonCircles and Daykeeper Journal online.
Ultimately, such rituals help us to find a new relationship with time -- which the Ancients, such as the Maya, prophecied would literally be 'speeding up' during the 5th Day -- this time in history (and to many of us, it seems that it truly is!). Instead of being frantically 'out of time' or 'behind time', we find a new rhythm in time by realigning with the rhythms of Nature. Working with the Lunations and other astro-cosmic cycles offers one nourishing and practical way to do just this.
Handy links for inspiration and guidance:
DayKeeper Journal Online (founded by the late Maya del Mar, who died last December, it's sometimes updated late, but the information and rituals are powerful for the period between the New and Full Moon or vice versa)
PlanetWaves Weekly (an excellent blend of astrology and astute political/cultural commentary. Excellent!)
Barbara Hand Clow's AstroFlash and Mayan Calendar site (another spicy astro-political/cultural commentary, with writings and links about the Mayan calendar and prophecies)
Wishing you 'happy weeding', and may your love, joy, and awe in the Mystery that life is be born anew. And may it benefit you, and all!
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