Gemini energies are growing, sparked by the new moon solar eclipse at the Zero Point in Gemini on May 20th. Expansive Jupiter will join the Sun in Gemini on June 11th, so think of the coming months as Gemini Flavored.
Even if you don't have Gemini as a more prominent flavor in your blueprint, if you communicate, peruse a variety of information, and socialize, you're in Gemini territory.
And though some people may be wired for it and excel at it, we've all got some Gemini Juice in there somewhere!
And you'll definitely be finding yourself in Gemini territory in the coming weeks and months -- think of it as a collective and individual initiation into the possibilities of Gemini.
Gemini is ruled by the archetype of Mercury, also called Hermes by the ancients. The 'Winged Messenger', Mercury-Hermes was all about the Power of the Word. or 'Word Magic'.
The same is true within and between us: Mercury-Hermes shows up in our thoughts and in our communication. With all of this Gemini Juice, we get a chance to elevate our communication in every sense of The Word.
Mercury's esoteric (soul-level) expression is Uranus, where thought is elevated into pure insight, intuition, and those 'aha' moments of creative thinking.
Gemini's esoteric ruler is Venus, infusing our communication and interaction with the Big Love, beauty, creativity, and harmony.
Put the two together and you have elevated, True-You communication and expression that sources from Divine guidance, insight, and intuition, flavored with a strong infusion of Big Love, beauty, harmony and the impulse to weave unity where we usually default to duality.
Low-grade mental chatter and thought-habit that keeps us spinning, distracted, and mired in inherited limitation gives way to the Muses of 'higher thought', 'healing thought', and how we express our inner Muses.
Two other powerful Gemini gifts are curiosity and the ability to see patterns and possibilities.
Who can't benefit from these?
Curiosity has us asking good questions where we might otherwise be making limiting statements that close off rather than invite fresh insight and possibility.
The Gemini pattern-tracker allows us to 'connect the dots' and 'follow the breadcrumbs' to see the path or pattern, versus feeling lost in a sea of data (or breadcrumbs, if you prefer) and not knowing which is important and which is 'fluff'.
Where others might say, "Well, it's not possible because it's always been this way," our inner Gemini (or Gemini-flavored person in our lives) will say, "Check out all of these amazing possibilities!"
So over the coming weeks, it's a powerful time to cultivate your Gemini gifts and your intuitive, curious, Renaissance Self by invoking the archetypes (inner helpers or Spirit Allies) of Mercury-Hermes, Uranus, Iris the Rainbow Goddess, and Venus.
[The ancients often paired the Divine Feminine and Mercury-Hermes at the temples ... the Divine Feminine within, and Mercury-Hermes just outside. Expression and 'power of the word' that's informed and elevated by inner Wisdom. See the theme?]
Play with these in the coming weeks & months ... that'd be very Gemini, too, and makes invoking our gifts and Spirit Allies all the more fun.
After all, being more playful, curious, and 'childlike' is a requisite for 'entering the Kingdom of Heaven.'
To explore and activate your inner-guides & Spirit Allies, invoke your Muse (intuition and creativity), or to track the pattern in the Chaos of Now, join the Academy of the Divine Feminine or schedule an individual Muse Session with me.
On another note, I'm exploring the possibility of moving Sophia's Children to Wordpress - I'll keep you posted. To stay tuned and keep from missing new Muse Foods, follow me on Twitter and Facebook, and sign on to receive The Wake-Up Juice e-newsletter.
Happy adventuring, and lots of Love in the meanwhile.
Musefully Yours,
Image Credits: The Jellyfish Nebula in the constellation Gemini (NASA); Mercury-Hermes from a Greek Vase, Athens (Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY); Iris the Rainbow Goddess by Atkinson Grimshaw