If you're energy sensitive, you're likely feeling the extra zap of the solar stream arriving today.
Spaceweather reports that one of the active solar flares sent two Coronal Mass Ejections our way, and there's another big sun spot that NASA and others are watching now.
Given that we're still in the zone of the recent Scorpio-flavored Super Full Moon, the energies around and within us can be feeling pretty intense.
I'm definitely feeling it. How about you?
This is a 'new normal' of intensifying, transformative energies that churn all sorts of dense 'stuff' up for release that doesn't resonate with the higher frequencies.
That means inherited limiting patterns and beliefs and ancestral-familial-cultural baggage that's out of sync with the Aquarian Age values being birthed as we speak. (For more about this shift and to check out your A.Q., listen to my Feminine Mojo Show with Hari Bhajan - it's one of my favorites.)
The muck can pretty much suck if we lose sight of the bigger picture of the Great Shift underway that we're in the midst of -- and agents for.
If you haven't already, check out the Very Lunar Weekend post about the 'energies of now' -- always shifting and wafting -- and follow the link to the self-care post.
This isn't a time to go it alone, even as the particulars of our journey of transformation might be unique. Every bit of supportive intel and energy helps.
How are you feeling the energies? Share your experience below.
Lots of Love,
Image Credit: NASA, X-class solar flare CME from 1-27-12