One of our personal archetypes has just gone Mercurial.
Have you felt it yet? If not, you will.
Read on for tips, so you'll be in the know about working with this energy in your life.
The Timeframe, Energies & Themes
The planet Venus entered Gemini territory in early April for an unusually long stay.
Compared with typical Venus transits of 3 or 4 weeks, we'll all be experiencing our inner-Venus ala Gemini style through early August.
Venus is considered a 'personal' archetype, symbolizing our experiences with harmony (or not), abundance (or not), beauty (or not), and love (or not).
She shifted from grounded, Earthy, sensual Taurus to quick-minded and communicative Gemini. From Earth to Air. Right on time to add to the Zap Zone Energies (see my recent post).
Given that this is a longer-than-usual transit, amidst the backdrop of the much-prophesied 'year of transformation' that is 2012, I wanted to really open to the deeper opportunity offered by Venus in Gemini.
As soon as I asked the question, guess who came to mind ... very appropriately (as you'll see)?
Iris the Rainbow Goddess.
If you haven't met the rainbow Goddess Iris, allow me to introduce you -- you're in for a lovely treat.
And if you'd like to get to know her further, you now have a three-month window of opportunity that makes it easier than usual.
You'll definitely want to make good use of your Iris Time while Venus transits Gemini.
Allow me the luscious honor of introducing you to Iris, the Rainbow Goddess of Hope and High-Vibin' Word.
Iris has a unique place in Greek mythology.
She is said to be the Great Goddess Hera's most trusted messenger, and the Great God Zeus sees Iris in the same way.
Even more unique, Iris is able to easily travel between the realms of Heaven and Earth, air and sea, and even to the Underworld and back, bringing vital information and messages between the gods, and between the gods and humans.
So she's a Shaman's Goddess, and the spirit ally for wordsmiths and communicators, who deal in Word Magic whether for good or ill.
Since we all use words -- and the power of the Word -- that applies to each of us, too.
Iris's name is said to derive from the Greek word eiro, meaning 'messenger' and also 'to join' -- as in a communication bridge that connects.
As I reflect on that, I couldn't help but think of Eris, a goddess associated with disruption, amongst other things. Perhaps she signifies the 'other side' of Iris? More on that below (and in another article as well).
Iris is usually seen with a winged staff or caduceus, and a ceramic pitcher from which she pours out Divine guidance.
She has an angel's wings, and sometimes winged heels as well, allowing her quick, light flight as she travels between the realms.
And she's associated with the rainbow, wearing a rainbow-colored robe and leaving behind a rainbow calling-card: Iris was here (or Iris is here). Sometimes she's thought to actually be the rainbow itself.
So what does this tell us about Iris?
She is a most trusted messenger and herald, respected in all of the realms -- a masterful, trusted, Divinely gifted communicator.
She is adorned with the winged staff or caduceus, so her communications are healing and high-vibration, perhaps even illiminating and enlightening.
She wears the rainbow robe and embodies or leaves her rainbow symbol as her calling card, symbolizing 'the rainbow after the storm' and also the hope and promise of the same.
Her rainbow robe also symbolizes the 'rainbow body' or 'light body' -- our own energy field when it's in its natural Divine vibration.
Even more, she is a spirit ally and messenger of (and to) the Divine Feminine, and the Sacred Masculine as well, generously endowed with the magic of the Word.
Perhaps Iris was the Muse for Dr. Emoto in his work with the effect of high or low-vibration words on water crystals -- and thus on us, too, since we are made mostly of water.
While Venus is in Gemini, Iris the Rainbow Goddess can be a spirit ally in our conversations with the Divine, and she can help us to increase the radiance of our own and others' rainbow-light-bodies through the use of beautiful words and communications.
This relates to our inner-chatter -- the Word-habits we've internalized -- as well as communications with others, and with the Divine.
Of course, her very example hints at the lower-vibration potential of Venus in Gemini -- a misuse of our power of the word by way of chronic negative chatter and gossip, for instance.
This is what made me think of Eris, sometimes called 'the Goddess of Discord'. Might Eris be the effects and energies we see, feel, and experience when we misuse or negatively use the power of the Word?
I'll be writing on this theme very soon (look for 'Lakshmi's Evil Twin' in the subject line!).
Iris the Rainbow Goddess -- and the energies of Venus in Gemini -- remind us that words and images have their unique vibrations, and can either be healing and illuminating or poisonous and harmful.
But if we ask for Iris's help, with gratitude and respect due to her as the most respected Divine messenger, we can elevate our communication, gain some additional understanding and mastery of our Word-power, and maybe even become rainbow-bringers ourselves.
As always, if you have a more prominent Venus or Gemini in your astrology blueprint -- like my own Venus-rising and Gemini moon nearly conjunct my ascendent -- this is an even more important archetype, teacher, and purpose-illuminator for you.
You can see where Iris the asteroid is placed in your chart, too, for additional insight on where her gifts (or shadow) might show up for you.
How do you see Iris the Rainbow Goddess & Divine Word Master working in your life?
Share your thoughts, musings, and questions below (or if you prefer more privacy, send along a direct email -- you'll see the email link in the upper sidebar).
And if you'd like to bring Iris the Rainbow Goddess alive within yourself -- and elevate your communication and 'power of your Word' -- send me an email and schedule an individual session.
In the meanwhile, lots of love and shiny rainbow communications!
Image Credits: Iris the Rainbow Goddess on Greek Vase from; Morpheus and Iris, by Pierre-Narcisse Guerin (1811); and Iris the Rainbow Goddess by John Atkinson Grimshaw (1836-1893).
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