Have you been feeling the amped-up, ZAPified energies this past week or so?
It's not new -- we're officially in the 'Zap Zone is the new normal' kind of time. But some times are zappier than others.
Though things have been a mite quieter on the solar flare CME front -- thanks be for that -- the last week has featured a lot of shifting energies of the Zap variety.
The Zap energies were illuminated and magnified by the beautiful, awe-inspiring full moon in Libra -- a sign (archetypal energy) ruled by Mercury.
Plus more zappage from the Uranus-Pluto square -- something that's just starting to ripen. We'll be tasting this tense, transformation-sparking energetic for the next few years. Think 1960s, with a boost.
Add Mercury stationing direct, and Mars stationed direct on April 14th after nearly 3 months retrograde (a more internal focus that seems to slow down forward-momentum).
I've found that Mercury plus Uranus = mega zap. Any of the other energy influences just add to the Zap Fest.
And right now, we've got Mercury and Uranus aplenty (see the Venus in Gemini blog entry for more).
I used to describe this vibe as 'feeling like I've been electrocuted', but I like the very witty Mystic Medusa's use of the phrase Zap Zone. It's definitely appropos.
If you're even moderately sensitive to subtle energies, you'd be feeling the zap energies: restless, amped up, anxious, interrupted sleep, mood-waves, heightened sensitivities to other people's energies and thought-waves, and/or fatigue, among other 'symptoms'.
And since these have not been so subtle energetics, you might have been feeling the Zap even if you aren't usually energy sensitive.
The energetics along with the big changes and stress-provoking challenges so many of us are experiencing -- including moi -- it's really, really important to tend to the self-care practices.
This will become more and more an issue as we continue to progress through 2012, and extra-true when you add solar flare CME blasts to the mix.
The snapshot? Uber-zapped nervous systems and energy fields need soothing and grounding.
Here are a few energy & vibrational healing practices from my own 'Zap-Zone Survival Kit' that I find helpful:
• Lavender essential oil -- used for millennia to sooth the nerves and mind.
I use Young Living's lavender essential oil (let me know if you'd like to order some). Dab it on the back of your neck, beneath your ear lobes, on your upper heart, and inner wrist, and breathe it in.
• Flower Essences -- If you're feeling freak-out zapped, try Bach's Rescue Remedy or FES Five Flower Blend. I find Walnut, Honeysuckle, Olive, and Mustard handy options for change-times, too. If you're in the Fear Zone, it's Mimulus or Aspen for you. Mind chatter gone crazy? White Chestnut.
• Breathing -- No joke. When we're freaked, or zapped, our breathing tends to go shallow and our bodies contract. Breathe deeply and gently. Full breaths, so your belly fills out. A couple of simple full breaths can work wonders. For a special breathing practice (and treat), see Bee Breath below.
• Mantra -- I returned to a daily mantra practice last Summer, and feel sincerely grateful for it daily. Why?
Because some of the crappola that's popped up over the last six months would have not too long ago had me icy cold with fear, up most of the night, and puking from the stress.
Despite a few 'trigger moments', I've felt relatively centered, present, and even kind of calm. The daily mantras -- powerful vibrational and sacred sound -- have made the difference.
You pick a mantra, or several, for the vibration, based on what you might be experiencing or feeling. Sometimes you pair it with a mudra (see the Ta'Nit and 'No Fear' entry just before this one!) or kriya (movement), and sometimes you do a specific type of breathing or 'pranayama'.
It all adds up to calming, centering, balancing, shifting your vibe and ultimately shifting those ingrained fear-habits.
• Bee Breathing -- this is a specific 'pranayama' exercise that vibrates the upper heart or thymus area -- one of those areas where you're likely to feel the zap, fear, or anxiety in your body.
The proper name for this is Bhramari pranayama, which means Bee Breath.
I call it an 'inner OM', because as you exhale your breath, you're vibrating Ohhhmmmm without opening your mouth.
It's called 'Bee Breath' or Bhramari Pranayam because you're making a buzzing sound that vibrates your heart center.
It's fun, and doing it for a few minutes seems to really notch down anxiety and relax the muscles around the chest. Try it for yourself and see.
Here's a good summary of the Bee Breath and benefits, and here's a good video from Quick Fix Yoga that shows the technique.
• Take a 'Beer Bath'. If you're feeling frazzled and stressed, you've got to try this. Serious soothe fest.This is actually a post-shamanic-session remedy to neutralize nasty energies in your field as well as calm your nerves and body.
Pour yourself a hot bath (your ideal 'hot' temperature). As the water is running, add 1/4 of a cup epsom salts and three bottles of beer (with or without alcohol ... your choice). While this seems pretty evident, take extra precaution with the bottles (or pour the three beers into a plastic pitcher before you head into the bath).
If you've got it, add 7-10 drops of lavender oil (not perfume). No bubbles or soap. Dim the lights, add a candle or two if you've got the space. Climb in and soak for 15 or 20 minutes if you feel comfie with that. Do the 'bee breath' for a bit if you want, or just chill.
• Feet on the Ground. Walk, take your shoes and socks off and dig your toes into the dirt (if weather allows), stroll through a park or forest trail.
Putting your feet to the ground for a mindful walk in a relaxing place helps. A lot. Were it not for my 'walking habit', I probably would have lost it a long time ago. You can do prayer or mantra while you walk to shift the vibe even more (and keep Crazy Mind from walking with you!).
Though there are many energy management & vibrational healing approaches, these are a few things I turn to daily now that the Zap Zone is becoming the 'new normal'.
Think of these times and the Zap Zone as a skin-sloughing (like the snake) and birthing all rolled into one.
In the meanwhile, surf -- and soothe -- the Zap. Believe me, this will prove more and more helpful.
If you have questions or want to share your own Zap Soothers, post your comments below. I welcome it, and it helps others, too.
If you prefer more behind-the-scenes communication, or want to explore an Energy & Intuitive session, feel free to send me an email (you'll see the email link above right or in my profile).
Lots of love,
Image Credits: Lightning Zappage from U.S. NOAA. Young Living Lavender Farms.
Would you give the Bee Breath more explanation? Thanks! Tasha Halpert
Posted by: Tasha Halpert | Friday, April 20, 2012 at 01:38 PM
Hi Tasha. I'd be happy to share more about the Bhramari (Bee) Breath.
I tracked down a good summary and a video that will help give you the idea most directly. You'll find the links just below.
Bhramari (Bee) Breath Description & Benefits:
Bee Breath Video from QuickFix Yoga:
Posted by: Jamie Walters | Friday, April 20, 2012 at 02:13 PM