I've been feeling very dreamy these days, and even more empathic than ever, if that's even possible.
And I haven't felt like doing a whole lot -- a sort of blasphemy in a culture shaped by the 'Puritan work ethic', in which 'idol hands breed the Devil's work'.
There was a time in my life, not so long ago, where I wouldn't have admitted that, because I would have thought it was 'work ethic' heresy, too.
I've since come a bit more (okay, a lot more) to my senses.
Welcome to Pisces Territory, where we're introduced to a more right-brain, Feminine mode of being and doing.
My initiation into this deeply flowing, creative, nonlinear, intuitive, compassionate energy came with Neptune's long transit through Aquarius (1998-2012), and particularly when it was joined by Uranus transit through Pisces (2003-2011).
I had to laugh when I read Paola Emma's delicious blog entry on the Pisces New Moon (2/21/12) and Neptune transits.
Paola, creatrix of Living New Moon Astrology, describes the Neptune transit and the influx of Pisces influence perfectly.
The part that applied to my own experience over these years?
"On the other hand, if you are mainly a practical person, busy with your family and career, goal oriented and used to getting your own way, you could find Neptune and Pisces’ transits a somewhat bewildering experience, bringing you out of your comfort zone, in strange and foggy back alleys...," Paolo writes.
That was me, to a tee. It's only recently that I can laugh about it.
With the Sun, Moon, Neptune, and Chiron joining forces in Pisces on the new moon, we were all truly awash in Piscean waters.
Given that Mars -- the archetype of active, aggressive yang energy -- is retrograde (chillin') in Virgo, another Feminine sign, this new moon was a wide-open channel of Feminine energies.
Needless to say, that's enough to give worshippers of the Protestant Work Ethic and left-brain zealots a real fit. (After all, great efforts have been made to minimize, marginalize, and repress it.)
One fellow, an astrologer, expressed his frustration that he didn't feel as motivated to do, do, do. Given that he is an astrologer, he understood that there's a valuable lesson in that, but still wasn't at all comfortable with it. I get it, I really do.
With Pisces and Neptune, what we hid away in the pigeon-hole of the long under-appreciated right brain is activated big time:
Heart rather than head, compassion and empathy rather than an epidemic sociopathy, flow over force, intuition balancing intellect, surrender rather than perpetual resistance, and creativity instead of logical process, connection over disconnect.
What I love about Neptune and Pisces influence is that they open the doors of different ways of knowing, rid us of our false sense of separation, and render our belief in a fundamentalist 'self sufficiency' and Lone Ranger 'tude for what they are: illusions.
We all -- every one of us -- rely on others, and on this Earth.
And I say this as someone who was, for a very long time, all about the work. I was a real believer that I was self-sufficient (and taught to believe that was the ideal).
Needless to say, that false notion has since been dissolved with the waters of Neptune and Pisces.
These energies and influences soften and dissolve the calcified places in us, and the false borders and beliefs we've erected (or inherited), just like water flowing or dripping over stones patiently, yet relentlously, erodes the sharp edges.
With Chiron in Pisces, too, until 2018, the great Wounded Healer of myth brings the healing of Piscean waters to a planet, culture, and people that have been pretty battered.
A generous dose of Pisces influence will be delivered to us for the coming years by Neptune and Chiron, giving us the opportunity for compassionate connection, healing of spirit, a renewed awareness of our creative wellspring, grace, trust, faith, and a whole new empathy and sensitivity (which might be a real challenge for quite a few people, making energy management imperative).
There is a shadow side to be mindful of with these energies and archetypes, too: unhealthy boundaries, hyper-sensitivity (taking in too much of others' energy and gunk), depression, fear, dark nights of the soul (which was also called 'the night sea journey' ), and the numbing of the intense feeling through addictions, to name a few.
I experienced a few of these, too, during my Neptunian-Piscean initiation.
Even so, it's important to remember that these are initiating us into something that's been lost and is needed again -- something we've missed to the depths of our heart and soul.
Particularly with all that's changing in the world, in long-mighty institutions and systems, and in our own lives where 'the old paradigm' has rooted -- and is being rooted out where it's no longer healthy: the heartfulness, expanded awareness, and spiritual healing of Pisces is a soothing balm.
It's message (or one of them)?
Allow old, calcified beliefs and unnecessary baggage to wash away. Take a spiritual perspective, sourced from the heart and a sense that none of us are bobbing around on the planet alone. We're all connected, and we're connected to something even greater.
Image Credits: Moon Mum, from Paola Emma's blog entry (link above); Greenwater Strip (from SpaceWeather.com's aurora gallery); Water Reflection, from Eddie Van W. (Creative Commons)
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