During the week of November 1, we're swimming in yet another big power portal: Samhain, aka 'Halloween' (October 31-November 2 on the calendar, or more specifically when the Sun is at 15 degrees Scorpio, which would be November 8th this year).
During this Samhain week, Venus is still Retrograde in Scorpio (encouraging us to dive deep, deep, deep to recover and reclaim Venusian treasures). We have the shift from the Mayan Sixth Night to the Seventh day on November 3rd -- have you been feeling an acceleration and time 'speeding up'? These are followed closely by the new moon on November 6th and Samhain-proper on November 8th. If you're in the United States, election day is tossed in there, too, amidst all of this other spice.
Traditionally, Samhain was a celebration of the year's end, when some of our ancestors gave thanks for the harvest of the previous seasons and prepared for the onset of Winter and all that it brought, physically and symbolically.
During this cross-quarter seasonal festival, our ancestors celebrated and appreciated the gift of life given by their ancestors, and the veil between the dimensions was thought to be particularly thin, allowing easier access to Divine wisdom and guidance from the ancestors. Samhain is also a time of releasing what's 'dead' yet also opening to its wisdom and the potential for the released energy to regenerate into new life.
This year, 2010, during the week of Samhain we have Venus retrograde in Scorpio and the shift from the Mayan Sixth Night to the Seventh Day. With both Venus and a core theme of the Seventh Day, the Feminine and the gifts of the Feminine, Yin, and right brain gifts and capacities feature prominently.
We bring all of this new or reclaimed wisdom into the New Moon on November 6th -- a weekend over which many people around the world are aligning in celebration of the Seventh Day theme of the re-emerging Feminine and the possibility of a new harmony between the Feminine and the Masculine.
Add the themes of Venus, the Sun, and the Moon in Scorpio for added illumination on the power in the Unseen, on conscious-magic that benefits all, and on renewing our connection with sacredness -- that which was once sacred but, out of fear, was repressed, suppressed, made taboo, or was twisted until it became a monstrous misrepresentation of its original and true nature. It's time to reclaim and restore in the spirit of Venus: beauty, harmony, true abundance, generosity of spirit, sensuality, and all of matter being an expression of spirit.
In the spirit of Samhain, we give thanks to our ancestors, whose experience -- for better and worse -- we carry within our cells and ancestral memory. To honor the best legacy of our ancestors as we evolve and co-create a new era, we release whatever we may still carry within us that supports or perpetuates the paradigm of over-dominant Masculine, manifested as Patriarchy, with its excesses of greed, violence, isolation, misused power, and suppression of and violence against the Feminine, women, and the Earth itself.
In the spirit of the Dark Moon -- the days leading to the new moon -- we honor the deep Feminine wisdom of the Dark Goddess, primordial creatrix from which all of the created world is conceived and born. We open to a deeper, heart-wise vision of what's possible, and what's true for and truly valuable to us.
In the spirit of the New Moon, we seed the intention of a strong, healthy, juicy, sensual, joyful re-membered Feminine, with its heartfulness, empathy, body wisdom, whole-seeing, intuition, and vision. And we seed the intention of our heartful and skillful embodiment of the Feminine, that the highest and best -- the most sacred -- of the Masculine may be invited out to play. May we all participate in the new harmony between Feminine and Masculine (we're building that plane as we fly it!), and in co-creating a new era of heart-centered wisdom in action.
FeMojo Blessings,
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Jamie, I love this article about this holy season, conjuncting the cross-quarter festival with powerful astrology. We began this week with the all night Long Dance and we finish with New Moon Dance ceremony on Friday (with Diva Deborah). Thanks for the details that fill in the betweens. (especially Venus retrograde medicine.)
Posted by: Carla Sanders | Tuesday, November 02, 2010 at 07:00 AM
Thanks, Carla. We're living in big-astrology, big-energy times (as you know and dance with). There's more - Neptune stations direct on November 6th (just after the new moon), and Venus and Jupiter station direct on November 18th. More wind in the sails and wisdom coming from the depths into expression.
Beautiful that you're dancing in the energies of this time!
Posted by: Jamie Walters | Tuesday, November 02, 2010 at 07:16 AM