It feels like such an amazing, tender, and -- I admit -- terrifying thing to be gifted with an inspired idea that just won't let you go.
Particularly when 'the idea' is very different from what you've done before, professionally at least. And when 'the idea' takes you into sharing deeply personal, profound, and sometimes hard-to-put-into-words felt-and-sensed experiences. That's the case for me, as I'll share a bit of here.
Finally finding my feet following a pretty radical 'transformation by some seriously big cosmic two-by-fours', aka 'initiations', I asked, pleaded, prayed, and meditated "How can I be of service? How can I share what I've gathered during this time?" In other words, "What the hell do I do now, because there's no going back and I haven't a clue how to go forward?"
The Feminine, the Feminine, the Feminine was the continual response, like a drum-beat.
So, Okay, I said. What does that mean? What do I DO with that? Really, what I wanted was one of those old-fashioned billboards with a clear message in big type, and a detailed action plan. Very Masculine. The joke, and initiation, was on me. The Feminine doesn't work that way.
The Feminine responds step by step, message by message, nudge by nudge. No guarantees, no set outcomes, no certainty, no locked-in-place expectations. No billboard. No detailed five-year strategic plan. For me -- seriously adept Analytical Daughter of the Masculine that I was -- the Way of the Feminine has taken some practice. Lots of it. And the learning of the Way continues.
Even when the resounding drum-beat of The Feminine turned into 'Feminine Mojo' in mid-May of this year, my questions and prayers for guidance remained the same: "Okay, and what do I DO with this?" Within a day or two, my friend Kim Gould called to say, "This is coming up for me, too, so let's collaborate on a Feminine Mojo project!"
We dove into an array of myths and archetypes, stories of Goddesses and ancient cultures like Crete, and found ourselves in a vast pool of Feminine riches, with the Goddesses Athena, Circe, Artemis, Ta'Nit, Persephone and Demeter, Hera, and others as our guides and teachers.
The myths and stories -- or the spirit, voice, and essence of the Feminine within them -- beckoned and guided us, and slowly revealed layers of wisdom, joy, passion, heart-power, and insight that lay beneath the surface, like fertile soil and rich seeds beneath a garden that's been paved over.
And the spirit of the Feminine, the Feminine wisdom and voice, woven into the myths, stories, and archetypes worked on us from within, as well, hinting at gifts and strengths and passion that, like the garden, had been paved over, too.
Long story short, that project evolved into several Feminine Mojo projects, including the Feminine Mojo Mystery School -- a virtual circle for diving into that pool of rich Feminine Wisdom, for opening ourselves up through the powerful stories, myths, and archetypes; for remembering the fertile gifts of the Feminine that are within us, waiting for us to recognize and reclaim them.
Gifts like intuition, body wisdom, sensuality, joy, heart-centeredness, creativity, imagination, connection (to Source, nature, ourselves, and each other), and a power sourced from that deep pool of heart and wisdom.
I launched the Feminine Mojo Mystery School a week or two ago for the Autumn Season (in the Northern Hemisphere...Spring in the Southern). Join me to co-create and explore & activate the Feminine gifts, strengths and passion within -- and strengthen the overall field of Feminine energy and intention that's building on the planet. Join me to remember, and to practice, strengthen, and evolve that mojo together.
We'll explore together through tele-conferences, audios, and a private online forum, to start. You know what they say - when two or more are gathered, magic builds and miracles can happen.
Learn more about the Feminine Mojo Mystery School and other Feminine Mojo projects.
FeMojo Blessings,
Image Credits: Circe's Palace by Maxfield Parrish; Garden of Eden by Thomas Cole (1828). WikiCommons.