In an April 30, 2009 KPFA radio interview with visionary activist, Caroline Casey, where they discuss the archetypes and current energetics of Venus and Mars, Daniel Giamario says this about the current energies and the higher potentials for the Masculine:
"I like to think right now there is a leading edge of the Masculine that really as a place of strength loves assisting and helping women, and families, and Nature, and animals be all they can be. The joy of being a giver, not from trying to control or giving to get. But having great pleasure and joy of being around those who are in their full power."
What Giamario alludes to is often ascribed to the Sacred Masculine, and sometimes 'the Green Man' archetype - the higher potentials of the Masculine that is healed and whole, and in kindred cahoots with Wisdom (aka the Sacred Feminine). This isn't the Masculine (or men) appropriating the Feminine, or pretending (even to themselves) to be 'okay with' their inner Feminine (the truth is in the behavior). This is the Masculine at its best, it's most Whole, in Sacred Marriage with and devotion to the Feminine.
In some Taoist traditions, 'healthy Yang' (aka the Sacred Masculine) has attributes of generosity, blessing, beneficence, magnanimity, and protection (which is different from oppression or domination), as well as the more traditionally associated 'outwardly oriented' traits of action, expression, and assertion. These align with Giamario's comments, and are more aligned with the 'magnanimous Saturn' of the Golden Age than the post-Golden Age Saturn who became punitive, paranoid, and 'law and order' obsessed, and was ultimately deposed by a 'new Masculine' in cahoots with the Feminine. See? Myth is really both a cautionary tale and a primer, of sorts.
According to archetypal- and cosmic-energy observers like Casey and Giamario, and consistent with many Indigenous Wisdom prophecies, we're in a time when we're being asked to release the old, fragmented, unwhole, and unnatural stereotypes of the 'Marlboro Man' or 'Lone Ranger' Masculine and the Donna Reed - Virgin Mary Feminine (both of which repress significant aspects and thus manifest shadow qualities which, shall we say, doesn't create the healthiest experience for humans or anyone else).
In releasing the unhealthy, unhelpful, and unnatural prisons we've created around feminine and masculine, and opening to the wholeness that wants to express through each of us - who embody Feminine and Masculine, as well as express one of those more dominantly through gender - we open to the potentials described by Casey, Giamario, the Tao.
Looking into the world as it is, with its seemingly perpetual violence, cruelty, warring, corporate homogeneity, unbalanced Masculine and repressed Feminine -- and knowing that this is not sustainable, much less desirable -- we see the reason for healing and wholing, embodying and expressing, a healthier, more whole and natural Feminine and Masculine.
This is a choice, and a practice, but it's also a restoration of what's most whole and natural within and among us.
[*For one perspective on what the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine - or restored Feminine and Masculine - might look like in business, read my 'Conscious Capitalism? Holographic Business' article.]
Blessings on the Way,