This morning I received an inquiry from a kindred-spirit brother about the facets or characteristics of the Feminine, and the role of men who feel called to participate in the emergence of the Divine Feminine.
The question about the facets of the Feminine is one that I've been inquiring into, and living, for awhile. The Feminine is highly experiential and adventurous that way, to put it mildly!
First, there is the re-emergence, and in some ways new emergence, of the energy and awareness that gets called the Divine Feminine, and goes by a few other names as well. Then there is the work we have as women and men, gender, in this great birthing.
For me, there are facets of being that are associated with the Feminine or Divine Feminine, and then there are those that we discern through our own connection with that energy of being.
Some facets include intuition, receptivity, allowing, spaciousness, trust, synthesis, inspiration, vision that comes from within, unity or One (versus the duality, and also connected as a personified expression as individual facets of One energy with which we're connected and co-creating), compassion, and allowing intuitive or divine guidance to guide the action we take. It's the place from which creativity springs. In the Tao, it's the Way of Water. Think of water flowing, inexplicably softening things, carving things out. It's a soft yet powerful energy and dynamic.
What's been feared about this, particularly in the Western or patriarchal culture, is that it requires us to release the control of willing things, engineering them, from our trained thinking minds. It feels like being 'out of control', like chaos. And of course as physics has been showing, and some of the Great Wisdom traditions have long taught, there is a pattern and an organizing principle within this 'chaos'. There are also multiple possibilities, rather than just the limited ones that our Thinking Minds know and act from, creating loops rather than spirals of life. We allow for the flow of Grace, the unexpected, to happen.
Masculine facets have become out of balance in the culture due to separation from the Feminine, which together create wholeness. Some of the facets associated with the Masculine are analysis, categorization, organization around what we've received from Wisdom, will, action, structure (material, in the world), thought -- that which is more active and moves outward.
Albert Einstein said that the intuitive mind is the master and the rational mind the servant, but we've allowed the servant to become the master. The Masculine separate from the wise intuitive influence and guidance of the Feminine, from compassion, from that sense of connectedness.
Neither is 'bad' -- that argument distracts and derails us now. Both ways, working in greater harmony, are very necessary. With the reclamation of the Feminine, we are remembering and embodying what's been too long set aside, restoring harmony, and that birthing and reclamation or re-embodying can be messy. Like art of any kind. :)
It's really important to have Kindred-Spirit brothers active in this work, both protecting and holding the space for women to do the work we have in it (as the Sufi teacher Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee shares), but also to do the work of reclamation within and sharing that. There are men who will only see and hear this from other men, like Llewllyn Vaughn Lee and perhaps you and others (one of my own teachers, Andrew Harvey, comes to mind as well). What's important is that this work by men not be separate from the Feminine work of women, but supportive of and complementing it and honoring it.