Given the vital importance of re-membering and re-embodying the Divine
Feminine within ourselves, in our work, and in our world, I'm delighted
to help spread the word about a wonderful new project and resource to inspire us as we endeavor to bring the Divine Feminine alive.
I'll also say, just to be clear, that I have no financial interest or affiliation with this project at all. I came across the work early in its development and have followed the project with interest, having fallen in love with the concept, the art, and the inspiration it will provide.
It's my pleasure to support Artists Envisioning the Divine -- and the work of the artists and writers creating sustainable livelihood -- by sharing the news of it with others who will likewise be inspired and wish to support it.
Victoria Christian, an artist living and working in Oregon, has lovingly and with commitment stewarded the 'Artists Envisioning the Divine: Feminine Mysticism in Art' project, and forthcoming 'coffee-table book' and DVD into being.
The book and DVD feature an amazing and inspiring collection of artist's and writers envisioning through their art and essays the many faces of the Divine Feminine.
Advance sales help support the final printing of the book and production of the DVD, and you'll find a wonderful summary and examples of the images at Victoria's web site.
Learn more about Artists Envisioning the Divine and support the emergence of the Divine Feminine and the work of Her stewards at Victoria's site.
Victoria Christian and Artists & Writers Envisioning the Divine Feminine...
In peace and with love,
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