The Black Madonna. Now there's a topic. My introduction to the Black Madonna started with a trip to France and Spain in October 2005 that came together on very short notice, with many synchronicities and me actually following intuition in something that I would have just rationalized myself out of earlier.
A serious pivot point, that, in so many more ways that I would have guessed, though I've since learned that 'pivot', 'transformation', and Dark Madonna are very much linked.
I'd never heard of the term 'Black Madonna', at least not in this lifetime. But the Dark Feminine I'd become familiar with during the several years prior, and they're really one and the same.
The Black Madonna, or Dark Madonna, is the 'Dark Feminine' counterpart of the Virgin Mary, and has been protected (or hoarded, depending on your perspective) by the Catholic church, and specifically the mystics of the Church. Who knew, eh? The late Pope John Paul II was a devotee of the Black Madonna in the face of Our Lady of Czestochova, though not in his mass-communication. And the Pope was not the first to do so, nor was he alone in his communion with the Black Madonna-Whole Sophia.
If you knit the Virgin Mary and the Black Madonna together, you've got the re-membered Sacred Feminine in all of her glory -- Sophia, the Feminine counterpart to the Masculine 'God' (She who was there in the beginning, before all things, according to Genesis 1; whose Voice echoes through the bible's Wisdom texts; and for whom Jesus, and others, were self-acknowledged emissaries).
The Dark Feminine -- symbolized in one aspect by the Black Madonna -- is the deep mystery, the deep Unseen, deep wisdom, deep Nature, sacred sexuality/sensuality (in all that the term means), the deep well from which life and creativity spring. The Mysteries, in short-hand. And some would say the 'deep power'. The Knowing of Sophia, along with Father God, is woven deep within our collective psyche and the ancestral memory within our very flesh and bones. And so is the fear of remembering and acknowledging Her publically.
It's all still unfolding for me. I could see how 'it' or She or whatever you want to call it had been calling to me for a long time before that, but I was really reeled in as I wandered through France and then finally in Barcelona, which was a wild story in itself -- a 'Black Madonna speaks to Jamie' story that came with an assignment -- the first of several received since..
In the time since late-2005, the gnosis has deepened and I have had other communions and communiques with and from Sophia, and I have heard from many women, and a few men, who are feeling, hearing, and seeing her call to them -- Sophia's Children. I have written about some of them here, and will continue to do so. The time has come to step out of the shadows and share, publically.
* Photo of Our Lady of Czestochova, taken at Czestochova