It's late in the evening as I write this, and this will be shorter than such an endless topic might deserve. Sean, a fellow Zaadzster, created a pod (ZaadzSpeak for dialogue forum) focusing on 'womens rights', and particularly the horrors perpetrated against women and girls in many parts of the world.
to say, for any who are connected even a small bit with a sense of
compassion, the stories are heart-breaking, and the worst of them are
too hideous to think about. These are truly unspeakable acts, committed
by people who surely must be deranged, though their insane, horrible
actions are sanctioned by so-called religious or governmental leaders.
To look at these issues, the acts, and the effects requires an
unflinching fierceness.
But look at and think about them we
must. A question that I've been asked more than a few times in the past
month, is, "What can one person do in the face of such enormous issues
and horrors?"
Some people are on the front lines, putting
themselves in great danger to fight against the worst crimes against
humanity, crimes against dignity, crimes against Nature. Others put
their own lives in danger offering assistance to those injured or
maimed as a result of ignorant and hateful actions.
But many
others have primary vocations doing other things; Spirit has them
focused elsewhere. Still, many whose hearts are open, those on true
spiritual paths, are pained by the suffering of other humans and other
beings, and wish to be of service in some way, even if not on the
'front lines'.
You can be of service, even from your own home. You can:
bear witness. One of the worst possible things is for people or beings
or Nature to be degraded and violated and harmed, and to have the
damage and suffering go wholly unnoticed, as is so often the case where
the perpetrators run the show. By bearing witness -- by being willing
to read the stories, to see it, if only for a few moments -- you can
send a silent message, "I see your suffering. And I see your crimes.
They are not unnoticed."
* include those who suffer, and those
who are violated by the ignorance and violence of others, in your
prayers and meditations. As advances in theoretical physics and
consciousness studies show (and as mystics and sages have long taught),
your heartfelt thoughts, emotions, intentions, and prayers do make a
Hold those who suffer in a holy, healing light;
pray for those who commit the violence, that their own hearts be opened
and healed so that their ability to be cruel is completely nullified by
compassion and loving-kindness.
All traditions have prayers of these types -- May all beings be free from suffering, and from the causes of suffering.
If you're involved with a sangha or community of faith, ask your fellow
congregants or prayer leaders to include a prayer in the weekly
service. In fact, ask friends who participate in other communities of Spirit to do the same. Grow the prayers, grow the awareness, grow the love and
* write, in whatever ways you feel comfortable,
without letting fear keep you from advancing beyond former comfort
zones. Now is the time to speak. Write to your legislators, newspapers;
write and call attention to the issues and stories in your blogs; write
thank-you notes to front-line workers to let them know they're in your
thoughts and prayers. Include references and web site links to
organizations that focus on doing something about important issues
(there are, after all, too many 'task forces' where real action is
* volunteer time to an organization whose cause is important to you.
* donate funds or needed supplies (taking care that the organization will actually receive them).
boycott products, services, and travel from countries in which such
violence is protected by law, in actuality or by a refusal to punish
offenders. Spend those dollars, instead, on sustainable, cruelty free
products, services, and travel, or donate them to organizations that
help to raise awareness, open hearts, decrease violence, and
compassionately help the afflicted. (VegNews Magazine always includes a variety of such companies in each issue.) Engage others in your circles and
communities (locally and online) to join you.
* remember,
embrace, and embody the Sacred Feminine, and a re-imagined Sacred
Masculine (which, without homage to the Sacred Feminine, is
* host a salon, in the tradition of the great
creative salons, to bring together friends and kindreds to talk about
these issues, to share prayers or meditations on behalf of those who
suffer, to collectively hold these beings in a loving and holy light,
to bear witness together, to gain courage to act more boldly, to speak
of ways to remember, embrace, and embody the Sacred Feminine.
cultivate loving-kindness, compassion, right speech and skillful means
in your own heart and mind and actions (whatever your spiritual or
philosophical tradition -- all have such focuses). This is what Gandhi
and others meant by "being the change". Cultivate the finest 'ripple
effect' that you can.
No doubt there are other 'right
actions' that suit an engaged spirituality and mystic activism; perhaps
your next salon can identify which ones you and your group would like
to venture into, or add to your current repertoire.
Yes, one small drop seems insignificant when compared to an ocean, and yet the ocean is created by many drops coming together. There is much that one person can do, and much more that we can do together.
to you, and to all who despair and suffer at this moment. May all
beings be free from suffering, and the causes of suffering. May love,
compassion, and loving-kindness open and fill the hearts of all. May
our great Sophia illuminate the way to the world that we're capable of
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