Don't miss the unique opportunities of this emerging Spring of Venus, seasoned with the other unique celestial events of Now.
For those of you who are answering the call (or feeling the stirrings) of the re-emerging Divine Feminine, this is a special season to tap into Goddess, World Soul, with ancestors and ancient selves whispering, "Remember, remember...".
But even if you don't feel 'into' the Sacred Feminine, Goddess or Mystic life, you can let the celestial events and their uniqueness and beauty awaken your Muse, clarify and fortify your truest values, and stoke your Courage of Conviction.
Here's a snapshot:
On (5/15/12), Venus stations retrograde in Gemini -- take a look at where this occurs in your astro natal and solar house for how this might come to life for you.
On Sunday the 20th, we have a New Moon in Gemini and a full (annular) solar eclipse at zero degrees Gemini, which adds more juice to your Venus in Gemini cocktail.
This sets the table for a more rare event: Venus crossing between the Sun and Earth. The next time this will occur is in the year 2117, so it won't happen again in this lifetime.
And let's not forget the infamous Uranus-Pluto square of mid-June as we head on into a peak solar flare CME year. Yes, we're adventuring into the Zap Zone.
It's quite a line-up over the next month or so, with strong archetypal and energetic messages for us in this time of Great Turning and collective shift. For a more detailed astro-update, see the link below.
For now, here's a feast of inspiration to help you navigate through the energies of Now.
The themes and flavors of NOW?
Venus and Gemini feature prominently, so this is your inner Venus dancing with your inner Mercury (or Hermes) for revisioning and new expression.
Read my recent blog entry on Venus in Gemini & Iris the Rainbow Goddess so you can refresh your vision as a member of the Rainbow Bridge.
Other recent entries here at Sophia's Children on the Black Madonna, Mary Magdalene, Lunar and Chiron energies add specifics to this time of bringing the medicine of the Feminine back into the world.
Igniting your Muse is another great theme of Now, and I'll be writing more about that soon.
I've been getting reacquainted and working with my Muses, Urania and Polyhymnia, for example.
The energies of now are fertile and ripe for aligning with and giving expression to the Muse of your heart and soul.
Who are your Muses? Stay tuned for more (or send me an email if you really need to connect with your Muse now).
This is a time of rich inspiration, assessing and realigning with your truest, deepest, heart-and-soul values and ways to authentically express them in the world.
And it's a time of being inspired by the beauty around you, the rich blessings of Spirit and Nature, no matter what other crazyass chaos is whirling.
And speaking of crazyass chaos whirling...
It's also a time when the energies of Now and New are a sandblasting, tornado-whirling force of destruction for all that is not truly you, and I know all too well that having your life sandblasted is ... how shall we say ... a beeyotch.
During Whirl Times, we can take inspiration from the Whirling Dervishes of the mystical Sufi tradition, who whirl as a way of connecting with the Divine.
Can we allow the stretch of consciousness and see our Personal Whirling as an opportunity to connect with the Divine -- what's truest and most vital and valuable?
If you're there now, in the Sandblast Loss Zone, I'll be posting more about this soon. In the meanwhile, find some wisdom in one of my previous ESMA posts - Strong at the Broken Places.
And if some kickass courage and Feisty Feminine juju is what you need to zap the Demons of Fake Fears, introduce yourself to the Goddesses Durga and Akhilandeshwari.
While we're being inspired and wired (or rewired) in the coming weeks, we can also soothe our frayed nerves and energies. Check out the Leisurely Taurus post here at Sophia's Children, along with Calming Remedies for Intense Energies post.
If you're feeling the need for a more dedicated checkin, send me an email and we can schedule a personal session to explore your unique situation and see what might work best for you.
And last but not least, a few tech glitches and referrals have me exploring a new home for Sophia's Children at Wordpress.
I'll keep you posted, but in the meanwhile, follow me on Twitter or Facebook and sign on for The Wake-Up Juice Newsletter to receive all of the fresh inspiration along the way.
Lots of Love in the meanwhile,
Image Credits: Emerald Butterfly from Nature's Crusaders, the Bee Goddess Bhramari, artist unknown; and Iris the Goddess from Atkinson Grimshaw.
Connect more deeply with the re-emerging Feminine through The Academy of the Divine Feminine -- the gift of a one-on-one tele-session goes to those who join ADF now.
For details on the Astro-Flurry of the coming few weeks, take a look at one of my favorites -- Stephanie's update at Planetary Apothecary.
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