How do you know which path to take, which opportunity or decision is 'right', and what timing is optimal? How does your intuition and 'higher guidance' speak to you?
Gathering perspectives and information from outside of ourselves can be valuable, but ultimately our own Inner Oracle will guide us most truly.
If you'd like to explore your Feminine gifts of intuition, oracle, vision, and other guidance, it's not too late to join us for tomorrow's "Tap in & Tune In to Your Inner Oracle" call for the Feminine Mojo Mystery School.
With things shifting, swirling, and changing all around us, it's important to strengthen our connection with our Inner Oracle -- the ways we receive, process and translate the guidance that can lead us in the direction of heart-and-soul.
Tomorrow's Feminine Mojo Mystery School tele-gathering will offer an introduction to our Inner Oracle, including some of the ways we receive information (how do we know?), how our feelings offer clues, how Life guides us, and how to use divination tools like tarot or pendulums to reflect or validate our own intuition and guidance.
And we'll have a special guest: FMMS faculty member, Kim Gould, of Love Your Design (Australia) will join us to share how she regularly works with tarot and oracle decks for guidance, and what clues she receives from her body wisdom.
Register now for the Feminine Mojo Mystery School and join us for tomorrow's call (11/4 at 4:30 Eastern), or to receive the audio and other Feminine Mojo Mystery School perks.
Looking forward to tuning into the Oracle with you!
FeMojo Blessings,
* Image Credit: The Priestess of Delphi, by John Collier (1891)