I used to think that there were things that were certain, that I could count on without question. Yet much of my life, it seems, has been more a dance at the edges of uncertainty, as if uncertainty itself wants to be my dance partner.
Several years ago, when every marker of certainty vanished from the landscape of my life, I came across a bit of wisdom from a Native American wise woman, Gitonda, shared by Geo Trevarthen. She said, "On this path, the foundation gets ripped away time and again until the abyss becomes the foundation."
Kind of sounds like what we're seeing around us right about now, doesn't it?
The nature of the abyss is uncertainty, and pure creative potential. And that's often terrifying, just as it can be exciting, depending on how I'm able to see it. That's the choice, time and time again.
Learning to See With Other Eyes
I had a vivid dream at just about that time, several years ago.
In the dream, I was in this lovely little house at the edge of a forest, and sensed that there was a mob heading for the house. I packed up my two cats (I always remember to gather my cats!) and headed out of the house and into the forest. Suddenly, a great stag appeared and guided me through the thickness of the forest into a small clearing. Boulders formed a wall just ahead of me, and I was aware of the mob coming through the forest behind me. Suddenly, an opening appeared in the boulder-wall..a doorway. My two cats immediately leapt through and into the darkness. I hesitated, thinking, "I need a lantern, but I know the beings who live here live in the darkness, and I don't want to hurt their eyes." As quickly as I thought it, one of the beings -- ancient and wise -- said, "You don't need a lantern. You can see with your other eyes." I went through the opening, and it closed behind me.
Seeing with our 'other eyes' is how we navigate the uncertainty; it's how the abyss becomes our foundation, though our indoctrinated minds can't possibly grasp how that's possible.
Our 'other eyes' are part of our deep Feminine nature, which offers us other ways of seeing and hearing: instinct, intuition, clairvoyance (or clairaudience, clairsentience, or claircognizance), and more.
Remembering What We've Forgotten
I've been on a journey of remembering these gifts, remembering my Feminine nature, and remembering how to see with my other eyes (and even remembering what the hell that meant!) for the last ten years. Each time a 'false foundation' has dissolved beneath me, I've become acquainted with another layer of what's been forgotten, another layer of the gifts of the Feminine. And each time, I've felt the terrifying nature of that uncertainty calling me away from my illusions of 'certainty' and 'security', calling me back into that magical dance of pure creative potential.
This initiation is one I know many of you have experienced, particularly these past ten years as we live toward (and in) the great shift that's underway. It's an initiation that is now underway for many more people. Some have called that '2012', yet it seems more a process than some 'end date' (and according to Carl Johan Calleman, an expert in the Mayan calendar, by December 2012 the great shift of consciousness will already have been upon us).
One of the things that's been most helpful to me -- and there have been more than a few that I'm deeply grateful for -- is to remind myself (and be reminded) that uncertainty is grounds for the pure potential of creativity.
And perhaps this is what we fear most -- that we're powerful beyond belief; creators made in the image of the master Creator.
With that pure creative potential -- as we live and dance in this glorious field of creative potential that is Life -- what do we create? Oil spills, environmental catastrophe, psychopathic corporations, dehumanizing work, dysfunctional relationships, and endless anxiety? For Indigenous cultures that say we dream our 'reality' into being, this would be dreaming a nightmare -- a nightmare stemming from the illusion (the lie) that we're separate from all that's sacred.
Or do we dream into being something that reflects the beauty, elegance, magic, and endless loving abundance of Life itself? A dream that honors Sophia-Gaia, who delights in the wellbeing of her children? Dreaming heartful work, sacred relationships, truly conscious and life-honoring businesses? Dreaming a beautiful, elegant, magical, and endlessly loving and abundant dream?
As I asked into these questions, and prayed for guidance, I kept hearing "Be as you truly are, and do from the loving nature of your Heart, and do it with devotion. Reclaim your magic! Dance with the pure potential creativity of uncertainty!"
When we're able to do that (and for me it's continued deep practice!), the abyss itself becomes our foundation, we're immersed in and overflowing with the Love that is our truest nature, and we fear not tomorrow.
So I've declared June to be a month of exploration and experimentation in dreaming a new dream, inviting and energizing the deep Feminine, and living and dancing at the edge of uncertainty. With joy and creative devotion. Maybe I'll have so much fun that I'll extend it into July. :)
Want to play? Creative magic loves company, and we're in need of a much better dream.
Blessings on the Way,
Image Credits: Fractal by Gilbert Santa Rosa (Creative Commons, Spiral Gallery); Circe, by Wright Barker (c. 1900)
* Reference of Geo Trevarthen from Hillary Webb's book, Traveling Between the Worlds
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