With the passing of each day, it seems more and more vital (and a deep practice) not to get caught up in the mass-hallucination of what's gone horribly wrong (and it's a compelling case!) and the collective fear, anxiety, and 'ancestral dread'.
Needless to say, there's a whole lot of 'ancestral dread' floating around, murking things up!
The alternative available is to cultivate and revere a vision of what's possible, what's beautiful, what's abundant and Earth-friendly -- and where that's been the case in our deep history and ancestral memory.
The idea is, that when activate that deep memory (analeptic memory), we remember how we can be in balance and right-relationship with all that is.
That's why working with archetypes, myth-stories, and symbols is so powerful, for example - because as we work with them, they stimulate our analeptic, ancestral-cellular (and some would add Soul) memory.
We begin to remember valuable insights and wisdom.
From ancient wisdom traditions and contemporary 'at the horizon edge' science, we know that matter follows energy, be it the energy of our beliefs, thoughts, words, or actions.
'Word' is that which vibrates - literally what we think, speak, and feel, predominantly.
In this way, our 'word' is magical, acting like 'strange attractors' around which matter organizes itself.
Wherever we allow our thought and energy to focus, or to languish in the mire, we'll very likely see that reflected in some way in our experience, or our perception of it.
As in martial arts traditions, we strengthen whatever we focus on and give our energy to. Energy flows where attention goes.
As I've meandered (and sometimes blazed ala Speedy Gonzales) along my journey, owning that 'power of Word' has been tall practice.
Sometimes I've gotten my butt kicked, and sometimes I've landed in that blissful "Oh wow, so this is what it's about!" Usually, I've been somewhere in between, practicing, practicing.
In a shamanic training, one of my teachers reminded us that if we don't begin each day with an intentional choice of what energies and Spirit helpers we want to call in and align with, we'll find ourselves calibrating to the predominant thought-stream of the masses.
And she asked, "And what do you think they're thinking - what do you think the primary energy is focused on?" I'd guess that 'ancestral dread' thing!
Mother Theresa of Calcutta, not long before her death, also emphasized the 'deep practice' of minding one's word, energy, and focus. When asked if she'd attend an anti-war rally, she said, "No, but when you hold a pro-peace rally I'll be there."
It's a powerful choice, to see what is and to choose to orient towards that which is beautiful, joyful, well, harmonious, loving, in right-relationship, and benefiting all beings.
And don't forget the spirit of playfulness and joy - the Trickster and Wild Woman can be divine allies in times such as these, showing us how to combine playfulness with revelation and wise action.
We can cultivate our energy focus, intention, and word-power in our morning and evening rituals, and in small ways throughout the day.
While seemingly humble, this paying attention and choosing differently is a powerful contribution and service. And it's a little something to play with in our co-creative adventure with Life.
Blessings on your Way!
Image Credits: Eddie Van W's Water Reflections (Creative Commons - thanks Eddie!); Clytie, by Frederic Lord Leighton (1845-86); the 'source' at Mt. Shasta.
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Posted by: Pandora New Zealand | 03/14/2012 at 05:55 PM