This is a story about the Moolocracy in which you and I live. And if we want to get beyond it (and we sort of have to), we have to recognize it for what it is and where we are on the Moolobot scale.
The term 'moolocracy' buzzed into my awareness as part of an 'insight download' in the wee hours last night. When I googled the term this morning, nada. So, Moolocracy is born into the memosphere.
We live in a Moolocracy, of course, so it's no surprise that the term would be floating around the 'luminous aether'.
The God in the Moolocracy
In our Moolocracy, the presiding deity is the Great God, Moolah - aka Money, and the the religion, Moneytheism. Unfortunately, this is a religion that requires frequent human, animal, and Nature sacrifice - and blood sacrifice, at that. Life, and quality of Life, are sacrificed hourly on its altars.
The Feminine is considered too untameable, too unruly, too renegade, and way too wildy creative and passionate for maintaining Moolocracy status quo, so leading Moolocrats tried to banish the Feminine long ago, and rigorously try to squelch or at least marginalize any Feminine outbreaks.
Fear as Currency in the Moolocracy
Though money is itself a relatively neutral form of currency, in the Moolocracy, Money has been elevated to God-status, so the real currency that keeps the machine running is Fear, and Fear's children, Scarcity, Shame, and Struggle. There are other family members, of course, like Guilt and Duty, but we'll talk about them another time.
We're not Citizens, we're Consumer-Moolobots!
In a Moolocracy, we're not citizens, but consumers. Or rather, Consumer-Moolobots.
Says Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, and founder of The Soul of Money Institute, "If you think about the meaning of the word consumer - he or she who takes, depletes, diminishes, or destroys - the word consumer is not a very nice label for a human being. Yet we've allowed ourselves be called consumers, be treated as consumers, and become consumers"
But keeping the consumer-Moolobots in line takes a prevailing cultural mythos, and an old-guard to defend and reinforce the Moolobot status-quo agenda of taking, depleting, diminishing and destroying.
A Story to Keep the Moolobots in Line
In our Moolocracy, the cultural mythos -- or pathology, really, in this case -- centers around Fear, Scarcity, Shame and Struggle, which take on a life of their own.
The mythos is passed down from generation to generation, woven into beliefs, and reinforced through story and repetitive cliche until they become our 'autopilot' setting, as long as we're unconscious of this default inheritance, anyway.
Fear makes us ... less smart.
And as we know, when we're awash with fear, we're not very smart, or creative, or intuitive -- at least not in comparison to our much brighter, more intuitive, creative, and evolved frontal-lobe-brain potential. Fear-brain, geared towards flight, fight, freeze, and survival, really dulls our wit. Duh, what was I saying? Oh...
"There's a limited amount, so get yours...", "There's never enough...", "Life's a struggle, but if you work really, really hard and sacrifice, you just might get yours...", "You have to work hard to earn your living, earn your keep...", "You are what you money, that is...", "Time is money...", "Good guys finish last...", "You have to compete to get your share...", "People always want to take what you have, so you have to guard it..." and so on.
There are a ton more; you could probably add a bunch of your own Moolobot-management cliches.
Old-Guard Moolobot-Management Tool - Neuromarketing & Perpetual Treadmill
The Moolobot-management program isn't just sustained by the familial stories and adages that 'educate' us into the pathology of scarcity, shame, and fear in the Moolocracy.
The pathology is systemic - with old-guard institutions of government, academia, corporation, etc., usually serving as the standard-bearers of Moolocracy status quo (remember: taking, depleting, diminishing and destroying) and the Moolobot management-messaging.
The cultural pathology is further reinforced through a barrage of messages that we get bombarded with each day - an average of 5,000 advertising messages flying at us, most bearing the mark of sophisticated neuromarketing that knows exactly how to trigger the fears - of being less than, of being an outsider, of being a failure, of not succeeding, of not having enough.
Once we're tranked-up on fear, it's easy to implant the effective Moolobot-management messages (see above) to keep us consuming - buy, buy, buy, buy.
And since it's not ultimately very soul-satisfying, we have to keep really busy, and stay pretty afraid, so we don't actually think about just how soul-deadening the Moolobotic treadmill is, unless (until) we get so exhausted we literally fall off of it, hopefully having not caused irreparable damage to our bodies that would delay our return to Moolobot rat race.
Breaking free from Moolobot-dom
So we're pretty well brainwashed Moolobots, until we're not. The alternative is taking responsibility for what's swimming around in our subconscious, outpicturing into our experience and informing our behaviors. Snapping our own fingers to break free from the cultural Moolobot-hypnosis.
We can rewrite these inherited default beliefs. With consciousness we're able to actually choose, rather than operate on Moolobotic auto-pilot. We can choose to create, sustain, enhance, envision, collaborate, rather than taking, depleting, diminishing and destroying.
Beyond the Moolocracy and its Tyranny of Fear
As we grow more conscious, rewrite the old life-sucking Moolocracy beliefs, we can look beyond the Moolocracy and envision something wholly more -- co-creative, co-evolutionary citizens of a life-affirming, joy-affirming, creativity-affirming, humanity-affirming ... Loveocracy?
I'm not being all warm and fuzzy here. Love is, after all, a seriously powerful creative, transformative, and healing force. The potentials are amazing, truly Divine. A different world is possible. Starting this moment, this next step.
Break free. Be the change. Choose Love (because that's what, and who, you really are).
FeMojo Blessings,
The Feminine Mojo Projects, including the Feminine Mojo Mystery School, are designed to support and contribute to this co-evolutionary spirit of breaking free from Moolobot-hood and reclaiming & expressing our greater Divine potential, to joyfully co-create a world that beautifully works for all. Amen.
Image Credits: Moolah changing hands in the Sistine - MOSC-DSWA; Money-God billboard, Photobucket; You're getting very sleepy - Squidoo-Hypnosis; Groovy moolobot - Metropolis, from DigitalSpy, U.K.
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